Tuesday, September 18, 2012

5 Video Tips for Complete Amateurs

     1.) Always have an original idea. While parodies and spoofs do have their luster, sometimes a really good idea will take you far. It doesn't even need to be complex. Just the bare bones of an something mildly entertaining, and then chisel out the finer details later on.

     2.) Have a plan. Whether it's a quick scribble you did on the bus, or something you even had multiple drafts for, planning a video is key. If you don't plan events out, everything is going to lack structure, and a strong foundation is all you need. From there you can throw a few decorations on top.

     3.) Make sure the people you are working with a.) have enough enthusiasm to help, and b.) actually know what they are doing. If you're the director, it's your job to make sure everything ties together smoothly and everyone does their job right.

     4.) Be sure to have the right equipment. This includes cameras, SD cards, software, lights, props, microphones, and most importantly actors. Make a checklist and run through it before every shoot.

     5.) Get everything legal out of the way. Copyrights, for example, for a song you are doing a music video to. It's finally finished and uploaded, and it's not even able to be played online. Make sure anything along those lines is completely out of the picture.

     Hopefully these tips will help you learn them by merely reading this rather than personal experience, like yours truly.

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