Friday, December 21, 2012

Desktop Warfare

After almost an entire year of production/procrastination, Desktop Warfare is complete. I had a lot of fun with it actually. I shot the film last year, and unfortunately I forgot about all about it. It wasn't until I found it squatting in my hard drive that I began to finish it. And I am really pleased. The effects look decently real, and the collaborative sound effects are just as good. The only thing I regret is the camera I used. In some scenes it looked like I filmed it with a potato. It was my webcam. I was experimenting with onion skinning which I must say was WONDERFUL, and the only way I could do it was with the webcam. Unfortunately the webcam is the only camera I have that can hook up to a computer. It was so much easier and looked so
much better between frames. The issue will be resolved eventually. As some people say: baby steps.

Desktop Warfare from Trellis Haynie on Vimeo.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

It is finally finished. The project I had been working on for the longest time is now finished. And I can honestly say, I am content with it. I did all the green screening I could to the extent of my abilities and I am almost impressed by myself. It took a while, yeah, but it was pretty worth it. I must say it's quite a bit shorter than I thought. I expected at least 7 minutes, but apparently not so much. The story behind the actor in this is a painstaking one: I chose someone else before and this person was impossible to meet up with. He was always doing things, he never responded to text messages, and he was a bit of a brat. So I used my brother instead which turned out for the best in the end. It was so much easier. Anyway, I'll spare you the boring details. Here it is:

Idle Hands from Trellis Haynie on Vimeo.