Thursday, August 30, 2012

An Emphatic Undertone

I was told I needed to pick an emphasis for the videos I make this year, in other words a theme for all each of them to share. After careful consideration and a few cans of Coca Cola I decided on the theme being "perception".  It's a broad enough subject that I can take to different levels and therefore seems ideal to me. Quite frankly I've already come up with a few short film concepts in the past few days and as I wrote them down i couldn't help but notice a few of them circled around fairly dark subject matter. And as I write this I reflect on all the other things that have been born from the more darker ideas sitting in that grimy mud puddle I call a brain. Drawings, writing, and even merely the ideas lying around worthless in my head during school occasionally look depressing. I don't necessarily see myself as a disturbed or depressing person; in fact I rather enjoy the company of myself, but nevertheless I feel like I'm a strange place to hear these ideas from.

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